Perfect dark pc port
Perfect dark pc port

But an announcement of Shining Force IV would be even better. There are now fan translations available but a complete HD remake for modern consoles would be greatly appreciated. There have been several spin-offs but the last game in the main strategy series that western gamers received was Shining Force III on the Sega Saturn which, while critically acclaimed, was only the 1st disk of 4. If Sega were to announce Phantasy Star V coming to modern consoles or even a compilation of the originals there would be much happiness for RPG fans. Several spin-offs have since released in Japan and even PS2 remakes of the originals but sadly, western gamers haven't seen anything out of the series in decades.

perfect dark pc port

I'm not talking about the MMO series but the mainline RPG series. A PC port of Grandia II recently released bringing hope that this series might soon return. Considered by many RPG fans to have one of the best battle systems in the genre, this series rose to prominence in the late 90s only so slide into obscurity and disappear completely before the dawn of the HD gaming era. I won't include the Japan only Grandia Online that was shut down in 2012. In general, I'll try to stick to franchises that haven't seen a release in over 6 years. Now in order to qualify for this blog, a franchise must have had at least 2 releases so single game franchises like Lost Odyssey, Skies of Arcadia and Legend of Dragoon don't count even though I would very much like a re-release or follow-up to them. Maybe we could even send this to certain publishers.

perfect dark pc port

And I very quickly had a big list so I thought I'd share with you guys and see what you think. These could be just simple re-releases/remakes or full sequels to a beloved series. So I got to thinking the other day about how some people are saying global game sales are down, the causes of it and what game franchises I would pay GOOD money to see return.

Perfect dark pc port